Monday, 10 October 2011

The Truth about Islam.

Islam is based on the worship of One God (Allah).  Muslims believe that everything in the world was created by God and that as the creation of God, it is our duty to worship our Creator.  Allah is the same God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (may peace be upon them all).  With more than 1.2 BILLION followers world-wide, Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion.

The Basis of Islam
The belief in Allah is crucial to Islam.  Allah is Perfect and not in the need of his creation.  Allah is not in the need of a parent, grandparent, uncle, cousin, sibling, daughter or a SON!  Allah was not born to anyone, nor does Allah have any children as the Holy Quran states, “Say: He, Allah, is One.  Allah is He on Whom all depend.  He begets not, nor is He begotten.  And none is like Him” (112:1-4).
Muslims worship Allah alone as Islam is truly monotheistic!  There are no intermediates in Islam.  Worship of Prophets (e.g. Jesus or Muhammad), saints, or idols is strictly prohibited.  To get to Allah, one goes directly to Him without the use of a priest or prophet.

Jesus in Islam
Jesus is greatly loved and respected in Islam.  The belief in Jesus in Islam is that he was a Prophet of God, not the son of God.  Jesus’ birth was a miracle as his mother was the Virgin Mary.  Mary was a righteous servant of God and is considered one of the best women in history.  Jesus preached the truth, the belief in One God as his message was distorted after his birth.  In fact, Jesus mentions the coming of Muhammad by name in the Gospel of Barnabas.  In Islam, the concept of one person dying for another person’s sins in unacceptable as Muslims don’t believe in ‘original sin’ as the Holy Quran states “No bearer of burden can bear the burden of another” (53:38).

What is the Quran?
Every Prophet had miracles.  For example, Moses parted the Red Sea and Jesus could cure.  Muhammad’s greatest miracle was the Holy Quran, the Muslim holy book.  The Quran is the word of God and is recorded in Arabic.  Even today, the Quran has not changed even one word from its context.  The Quran is considered to be the Quran only in Arabic as people can differ over words and meanings lost when translated as has been the case with the Bible in the past.  English versions of the Quran are often referred to as the translation of the meaning of the Quran.

The Five Pillars of Islam
1. Testimony of faith as one has to sincerely believe in the Oneness of God and the Prophethood of Muhammad.
2. Prayer as Muslims pray to Allah five times a day.
3. Charity to those less fortunate.
4. Fasting the month of Ramadan where Muslims abstain from food, water, and sexual intercourse from dawn until dusk.
5. Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca to commemorate Prophet Abraham.  Hajj is only required to be done once in a lifetime if one has the means and ability to go.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.​Do Muslims believe in Heaven and Hell?
A.​Yes, Muslims believe in Heaven and Hell and they believe that those who are righteous and follow the truth will be rewarded with

Who is Muhammad?
There have been hundreds of Prophets sent to mankind over time including Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus.  Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets.  Just as Moses and Jesus were from the descendents of Abraham (through his son, Isaac), Muhammad is also from the descendents of Abraham (through his other son, Ismail).  Some might claim Muhammad was just a very creative human being propagating himself.  However, the Quran actually mentions Jesus and Moses more than it mentions Muhammad.  Muhammad was known as a very humble and righteous man in the Arab worlds even before he received prophethood at age 40.

So No Trinity?
The belief in One God is innate in mankind.  If you were to ask a three year old girl, “Who is your creator?”  She would respond with her name for Allah or attempt to describe this One Supreme Being.  No one would come up with the idea of the trinity unless they would be taught such a belief.  
The oneness of God was also the original belief in Christianity as Jesus never stated he was the son of God.  The belief that Jesus is the son of God did not come to surface until more than three hundred years after Jesus’ death. Ask yourself, is the trinity 1 in 3 or 3 in 1?  The Bible itself never explicitly mentions the trinity, rather only subtly hints at it in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.”  However, this verse was added in the sixteen century and still the verse does not mention the trinity explicitly.  David also mentions he is the child of God in the Bible.  Why then do we not accept David as the son of God?  No other prophet has been known to have preached or mentioned the trinity, including Moses.
Also, consider the belief of Jesus as the son of God.  If this were the case, ask yourself, was Jesus around before time and did he know of the future and want to die for the sins of people then?  The answer would have to be yes.  Then, ask yourself, why were Jesus’ last words while at the Cross, “Oh God, why have You forsaken me?”  Also, when Jesus died for three days, how many gods were there?  Jesus, like Muhammad and Moses, was a human being and a prophet, who had human tendencies that included eating and sleeping ,going pee poo is that action of a god?

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